Thursday, May 18, 2017

Holy Bells School--Hyderabad

The Holy Bells is a small school of about 200 students.  These children come from the poorest of poor families. Many of them work before and after school just to help their families survive. 

The Director, Mr. Prabhakar, works another job and uses that income to help run the school. His wife is the Headmistress of the school.

The school had no fans and only a few lights that worked. LDSC was able to repair the old wiring and install lights and fans in each classroom.

The school also had no student supplies for the coming school year. 

Student pencils and various writing tablets (notebooks), slates and chalk, pens, and crayons, as well as a case of copy paper was also provided.

Here, the Headmistress stands next to shelves filled with the donated notebooks.

We ordered our notebooks through One Child At a Time (OCAT). This is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) that runs several schools for the needy, and provides community activities that strengthens families.  OCAT has the ability to make and bind writing tablets. The proceeds from these tablets go to support their schools and other programs. The notebooks have the LDSC logo on them.  By ordering our notebooks through them, we are helping this wonderful NGO as well as Holy Bells.

Everyone was excited about the school supplies and are very happy to have fans.

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