While in Hyderabad we decided to take a P-Day and live it up!
We took an Auto to the Hard Rock Cafe!
We found the BEEF that was lost in the 70's...
No water buffalo meat here!
It came with bacon, cheese, tomato, lettuce, and a fried onion ring!
So high, we had to use the toothpick flag to hold it together...
On the way to visit the villages in Nalgonda, outside Hyderabad, we found some folks who just couldn't fit inside their vehicles!
There's ALWAYS room for one more!!
Here is a curious vehicle...
This guy built himself a mobile sales cart with a motorcycle, an axle and some metal.

A pizza snack at President Prathi's
house. Wonderful!

We attended the birthday celebration of Navya Basina, President Basina's 11-year old daughter.
This is incredible Indian ingenuity...
The ladder is too short to go to the top level of this building under construction. So, the logical Indian puts the ladder on a bench. Walla! The ladder reaches to the top!! Note the critical positioning of the pole holding the bench from rolling over...
Here is more Indian ingenuity...
Rope lashings holding together pole scaffolding for commercial construction. It happens all over Rajahmundry. We have never seen any metal scaffolding here.
It does exist in larger cities, however.
While in Hyderabad, we visited President Mekala's small K-12 private school. He and his wife and son are very successful in a competitive education market.
We also took time to visit Shekar Alamury's home.
Here, Darla is holding 9-month old
Reynold. His twin sister, Leona, was napping.

The hustle and bustle
of Rajahmundry.
Beggars in the streets
of Rajahmundry
Oh, and stocking hats in 85 degree heat with high humidity...
Sister Newton is now up to peanut butter jar number 19--and we have eleven more months of service.
Will she hit number 40 before we go home?
Is that Kwality Venigar or
Quality Vinegar?
While driving down a street in Hyderabad, we happened to see this little shed with Sai Raj's Musical Piano Band...don't know which one of these guys is Sai Raj or where the piano is, but here 'ya go! They got drums and cell phones--and a band for hire!
Here is a local juice bar in Rajahmundry...
Nice fruit but we don't purchase there.
Scouting came in handy tying some of those knots.