No May flowers...but lots of cricket match enthusiasts!
Here are photos of the District Cricket Tournament.
First the Team names...
Then its ACTION in the HEAT of India!!!
Meanwhile, back in the dugout...
The old guy swings the cricket bat at the air...
What technique?
No, it is NOT baseball!
It's mango season in Rajahmundry...
Breakfast of champions:
strawberry corn flakes and slightly sugared mango chunks...
MMMM good.
Yes, those are vitamins in the dish.
We walk about half a mile each morning over to a park in the neighborhood.
Here Elder Newton walks and visits with our new friend Karan.
Karan is an accountant with a public-private corporation that oversees construction of reservoir dams and highways. We have lots of philosophical talks as we walk.
Shankar, President Chinna's son, likes to play Jenga--he is a thinker, a planner...
A battle of physics, witts and dumb luck!
The Vizag and Rajahmundry combined District Youth Conference was held 13-14 May.
Classes in which to learn the Gospel...
Games to be played...
Food to eat...
More games to play
What the heck is Twister?
If you ever wondered how hot it gets in the summer in India...
Here is the temperature on Saturday, May 21st at 4:55 p.m. in Rajahmundry.
The indicated temperature is 108 F (it was supposed to go up to 109 F), and the Real Feel temperature is 122F!!
You can see the temperatures went up to 112 F later in the week. I don't even want to know what the Real Feel was those days...
We were invited to the birthday party for Jessie, the daughter of a counselor in the Branch Presidency.
She is the little girl with the short hair and lime green dress.
The kids had a great time.
We love to eat Indian prawns--river shrimp.

Peel 'em, batter 'em and deep fry 'em!!
Really good.
These were large ones.
For Young Single Adult Family Home Evening we learned how to play
Uno, Liar Liar, and Spoons.
This looks like Liar Liar is about to begin.
We had a large Twister game pad made so that the Young Adults could stretch their legs and arms a little.
The competition was fierce!!
Our mission is almost half way done...June 13, 2016 marks one year left. We're doin' good!
Ahhhhh...treasures from!
Tuna fish in a can (nothing is available in cans in India), and Old El Paso Salsa!! Wahoo!
Third Branch Priesthood and Relief Society Activity--all day long.
We gave the theme talks, did activity games and provided the movie--the story of Joseph Smith from the Church media library.
Of course there was food!
Chicken Curry, rice and Rita.
Is it spicy?
Do chickens lay eggs?
Those may look like paper plates, but they are fire resistant!!
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