We visited seven villages in the Nagonda Mandal.
With us were Elder and Sister Henrie--water specialists from Orem, UT; our project monitor, Shekar Alamury; and Mr. Sudhakar, our project community "champion".
The Murthapur village.
We stopped and visited with the village Panchayat--the first level of elected governance at a village. The next level is called the Grama Panchayat and is usually made up of several Panchayats.
We were impressed that each village was prepared with a building to dedicate for the
new RO filtering system.
The women and the children always gathered separately from the men--except when we asked them to come talk with us.
These children asked to have their picture taken with us.
We were always an attraction to the kids where ever we went...
The women always came to see what was going on.
Here are two women from a Lambani Tribe with Sister Newton.
The old systems always looked neat and tidy.
These villagers take water seriously
Sister Henrie also loved to talk to the children...
Some of them have never seen a white face before and were afraid at first.
We were glad to see that most of the old RO systems--that date back 8 to 10 years--are still being maintained well. Each village had a plan to maintain the filters and membranes as well as replace equipment as it wears out.

In the back room of one of the RO system sheds we found a man weaving silk sarees. It takes four days to weave a silk saree--which is just over six yards of cloth.
On the way home we stopped to take a picture of a tree-climber. These guys climb really tall palm trees and place small pots in the trees to collect the palm oil. They go back every few days and harvest the oil. Notice he has no shoes and bare legs to climb the tree. His harness is home made.
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