Over 100 people came from Rajahmundry and surrounding villages.
These were the poorest of the poor.
Most had never sat in a wheelchair.
Each person was counseled and measured carefully for the type of wheelchair that best met their needs.
Johnson and Prasanth from Motivation India-- who are trained physical therapists--spent quality time with each person to ensure their chair was right for them.
The children who waited for their turn were excited...
Elder Newton played Tabernacle Choir music and sang to this young lady who had no words but joyfully smiled!
When it was her turn, she became most excited and almost bounced off her chair!
Bishop Sinha and his volunteers served a hot lunch for each wheelchair candidate and their helper.
Sister Thummala Palli from Kakinada Branch is measured and will receive a new wheelchair that will support her body properly in a sitting position that will no longer hurt her.
With our new found friends at the wheelchair evaluation.
Happy faces tell the story!
The wheelchairs arrive in heavy cardboard boxes the week of 19 Sep 2016.
Assembly takes place right away.
Trained hands pull parts from each box to assemble three different types of wheelchairs.
Metal, wood, padding, and fabric are bolted and glued precisely to the measurements taken at the assessment phase.
Fitting may begin with trimming the seat and filing it down to precisely fit the recipient.
Fitting also includes instruction on how to use and maintain the new wheelchair.
Instruction includes how to disassemble the chair to transport it.
Each wheelchair comes with a maintenance packet with tools, tire pump and tube repair kit.
Finally--his chair is ready for the Distribution Celebration!
The wheelchairs are lined up for distribution!
The crowd of recipients, their helpers and community members gathers under a tent to protect from threatening monsoon weather.

The program begins with prayer, a song and presentations of flower leis and shawls.
After several speeches, the Mayor of Rajahmundry, Mrs. Pantam Rajani Kondala Rao, presents the first wheelchair.
One of the recipients is Puspa Leela, a local member of the church. She is happy with her new wheelchair. She is planning on getting a part-time job now that she has better mobility!
Tamsin Langford, the Head of Programmes for Motivation-UK, came this day from Bristol, UK to see this wheelchair distribution. She is the lady in purple in these photos.
Darla's heart is about to beat out of her chest as she is in "emotional overload" with all the gratitude, love and appreciation that this day brings! IT'S A GOOD DAY!